Are you in Pain, Brain Fog, Stiff, Achy Joints, Bloated, Can't Sleep and Can't Lose Weight? This is EXACTLY where I was in 2018. I had been on some inflammatory drugs for 8 months for pain and they were no longer working. I don't even like to take medicine. There should be another way.
I am an active 50ish year old. I ride horses competitively, barn chores, garden, moderate exercise and all the other normal stuff. I could sit down to watch a movie and couldn't hardly move when I got up! Sit in a Car for 2 hours and I walked like an old person. Going upstairs, painful! The thought process that we are older, we are going to have aches and pains is Bull Shit! I was worried. If I hurt this bad now, what is 30 more years going to be like. I was seriously thinking that I needed to move our bedroom downstairs and maybe giving up my beloved riding.
My daughter kept telling me that I didn't eat enough to loose weight.....maybe I needed to see a nutritionist. Oh, I'm thinking heck no! I felt that I ate pretty clean. Haha! I didn't consume junk every day and I cook every night. But, I had 1-2 French Cappuccinos in the morning, then water and Sweet Tea the rest of the day, then there was that 5 o'clock Crown & Coke!
I remembered something about a Whole30 diet that a doctor had suggested when my daughter was having some health issues and couldn't come up with an answer, Which was not her diet. Then, I saw a friend post something. So I looked it UP. People HEAR ME, your DIET is CAUSING your PROBLEMS!!
I've been dieting since I was in my twenties. But, at this point I was heavier than I had ever been, except when pregnant. I was 147lbs on my scales. I wanted to get below 140lbs. I'm active, but I don't want to go to the gym and don't want to commit to 30 min exercises. But, I do exercise for example...I'm standing at the stove, I will do leg lifts and arm exercises. I do some weight lifting and stretching but not all at the same time, so I'm not doing cardio. NO, getting that heart rate up to help loose weight. I sweat messing with horses, but don't want to exercise and sweat.....Funny right?
I read up on the diet, just Google Whole30. The list of the foods you can have, is shorter than the food you can not! NO processed period, No Sugar or Sweeteners, No Legumes, No Peanuts, No Vegetable Oil, No Corn, No Diary-mayo, sour cream, cheese, milk, cream cheese, NO Bread, NO Bacon/Sausage-unless you find no sugar added, NO JUNK...….OH I know your thinking your going to starve! WHY!!! Is the list so long? Because all these foods cause Inflammation. PLEASE listen to Me. I have been dieting since my 20's, This is the easiest DIET, I have ever done! It is really a Life CHANGER for Life. I never got hungry! No calorie counting or portion measuring. I was eating more than I ever have and losing weight. Did I have cravings? Yes, What diet have you ever done, that you don't! The reason for the 30 of the Whole30 is 30 days of cleansing all that junk out of your body. You CAN DO IT and you will FEEL GREAT!
Baked Brussel Sprouts & Hamburger patti |
What are you going to eat....FRESH!
Fresh Veggies, I did Frozen as well, NO Canned
Fresh Fruit
Olive Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Avocado Oil, Ghee
Almond Flour
Almond Butter, NO Peanuts
You can find shopping list on the web, to help you. And So Many Recipes!
It is 30 DAYS! You Can DO IT for 30 days! I immediately got the Sugar headache and you will to, because we do Not realize really how much ADDED sugar we consume daily! They put Sugar in EVERTHING. But the second week, I was already feeling better, sleeping better. Really? was this really possible that changing my diet could do this? Yes it was! My stomach was flatter and the scale was moving! This was in Jan and I was NOT exercising. The First month, I lost 6lbs. I felt so much better, I continued on the diet. I lost 17lbs overall. My expectations were so small, I had only wanted to get down below 140, but instead got down to 130lbs! And what I was most surprised by is that I carry my weight in my hips. Usually this is the last place to loose and I was losing there as well. And my PAIN is basically gone! Now there are days something will act up and it is Usually because of what I ate. Woo HOO!
So, What do you do after 30 Days? You might want to continue as I did for awhile till you loose desired weight. But, what do you do after that? You need to figure out, What causes YOUR pain. Something or all the foods that you eliminated are culprits to your problems. When your ready, to add things back into your diet, You add one category a day. Say you have really missed your Dairy, on Monday have Milk for Breakfast, some Cheese on your Salad, Sour Cream on a Potato and then your going to evaluate how you feel. Did you Bloat you, make you feel sluggish, cause Pain? Now for the next two days, Tues & Wed, you going to eat Whole30. On Thurs, you can try a different category, or eat your Dairy again to see the effects.
The culprit to my Pain is Sugar. No more Sweet Tea for me. I've gotten use to Non-sweet tea. I mean that is not even a Southern thing.
Does this mean that I never have a Donut? No, I may have a Donut or a small, small piece of cake, but I don't keep eating more sugar that day and I eat clean for days. In the past when I boiled veggies, everything got a pinch of Sugar and a Tablespoon of Butter. Not any more. I don't even miss it. And I fried a LOT of summer veggies, not any more. If I do fry, I use Olive Oil. Mainly now, I will saute veggies in a little olive oil. I got on a little cheese and cracker lunch thing one the end of the week, I was not feeling to good. And Yes, I will have a crown & coke, but usually it messes with my sleep. So eat inflammatory foods in moderation. Why would I want to feel pain? I feel great so I am continuing on the life change of eating better. The Whole30 makes you very conscious of what is going in your mouth.
As of today, 2/3/20, I weigh 135lbs and I am getting back on Whole30 hard, because I've let a little weight creep back on me over the holidays and I now know it is possible for me to weigh 130lbs in my 50's.
I will try to post some of the recipes that I have tried and Love. Like Homemade Ranch dressing. So stayed tuned.
Good Luck on your journey! I would love to hear from you!
Scrambled Eggs with Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms and Banana with Cinnamon |