

Monday, January 21, 2013

Daily Ramble

Gosh, we have had a couple of beautiful days here in TN.  It makes me hunger just that much more for Spring.  We actually spent quite a bit of time outside over the weekend.  My husband worked up in our Storage Barn moving equipment around and pushing up loose dusty hay in a pile to be carried off to a ditch on a dryer day.  I worked in some of my flower beds and pruned up some bushes.  It felt great and is great exercise.

Over the weekend, I actually opened our Christmas present from my parents, a Miter Saw.  It is one those big fancy ones.  Now, it sitting on my work bench (a ping pong table) waiting for me to decide on my next project.  My husband had also gotten me a miter saw as one of my presents, so I am excited to be taking that one back and picking out something else that I need.  If this weather will hold out, I will come up with something to be working on.  It is pretty cozy in my garage, but if is 30 degrees outside, I have trouble motivating.

And on another NOTE.  If you are working on something, that you would like to show off.  Send me pictures with instructions and I would happy to add it to my blog.

Now, I've got to run, and finish balancing the checkbook, cleaning off my desk and work on some Taxes.  SURE is pretty outside......Oh the distractions.....I may have to take another break shortly and take the dog for a walk.  She needs her exercise and I do too!

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